It all started in 2003 when… Well, it’s actually very simple:
Super Speeders is all about the fun and joy one gets around sports cars and focus on the joy of driving these cars! I may or may not get into some trouble along the way.. But you’ll see that all on YouTube or Instagram.

Rob Ferretti

“It's awkward to write something about myself, so I'll just assume if you are shopping for Super Speeders Merch that you know who I am.”

- Rob Ferretti.

Curious to see what else Rob is up to?

Super Speeders isn’t the only thing that Rob has come up with over the years, and not the only thing that he’s come up with.
Find all the other cool things Rob is doing down below!

Want to know more about all these? Check the “Other Things Rob Does” section to get a brief description for all of them.

Like I said.. it’s really kind of weird having to write something about yourself, especially to people that most likely already know who I am - or at least have heard from me before.
BUT! Since some years have passed since I started this journey, some of you may not be familiar with what Super Speeders is or what we were/ are doing with it.
Here’s a little summary what I thought of to tell those of you that may not have seen my DVD’s, or for those that weren’t around when all this happened.

(Wow... that felt weird to say. Way to make myself feel old…)

“Rob.. In your own words…


Hmm.. good question… Super Speeders is a lifestyle brand, furthering the enjoyment of sports cars and driving. It’s an automotive lifestyle brand focused on the enjoyment of driving and the culture of sports cars and the enjoyment thereof.


Super Speeders started in 2003. And… really, the answer is longer then the sentence. So here it is:

Before the days of youtube, you used to have to download a clip/ video off the internet to watch it. You’d have to go into a forum or group or something, download and watch it - if you like it, you keep it and if you don’t you delete it.
And i used to watch some clips and thought “Well.. that’s pretty lame. We could do better than that. We do this stuff like every other weekend.” So, I got myself a camera, started filming some clips and would upload them to the internet. When I realized that there were a lot of clicks and downloads, I thought I should see if I can make some money off of that.

I then went to take a video editing class at Ramapo College and turned that video editing class into a DVD, which is the “Life after the 1/4 Mile”. I sold that at the New York Autoshow, and made pretty good money off of that, so I realized I’m onto something.

One thing lead to another, and that’s where it all started!

BUT! In the early days of youtube, I used my channel as a way to promote my DVDs by putting teaser clips and trailers up, and get people to go on my website to buy the DVDs there.

I see myself as “an influencer before influencer was even a thing”.


Super Speeders is Rob. The man you know from the videos.


That’s a tough question. I can’t really answer this question directly, but I like the responsible use of automobiles and personal entertainment.
Cars are meant to be driven, not just looked at. That’s what I’ve been promoting for the last 20 years and still believe that.
Do it, but do it responsibly. Enjoy yourself, but don’t be an idiot.